Tips For A Spectacular Small Garden

Buying a home is an expensive affair and not all of us will have the luxury of gaining a large outdoor space of our own. Maintaining a smaller garden can be less stressful than a big one however it also doesn’t give us much scope for creativity and fun. This is why today we are going to share some handy tips for decorating a smaller garden.

Hang it up 
If you don’t have a lot of floor space for you to use in your garden, a good idea for you would be to hang some baskets or troughs on the walls or fence instead. Doing this will allow you to enjoy some wonderful space in the garden but still enjoy plants such as small bedding plants and herbs in your eye line. 

Let there be light 
When you have a very small space to work with it is more important than ever for you to increase the light which reaches the garden. The best thing you can do in a small garden is get rid of large shrubs and tall trees which may otherwise impede your light source into the space. Of course, it is never ideal to get rid of trees but if you have limited space it is the best decision. 

Use the fence 
One of the things which is a great idea for you when you are in a small garden is using the fence asa display. As we touched on earlier, hanging items on the fence can be a good way to gain colour and texture without taking over the garden. However an even better idea is a fence tank from Team Poly which will collect rainwater and can be fixed to the fence to display lots of herbs and flowers.

Create a sensory corner 
A small garden is a space where you want to make a feature out of many things. For example in a small garden it can be a great idea for you to create a sensory corner which has herbs and colour and which will feel like a whole unique section of the space. Sectioning your garden is a great way for you to make the space feel more vast. 

Attract wildlife 
Wildlife can make any space feel more substantial than it is, and having lots of bees, butterflies and birds in the space can be a great way to make the most of the small space you have. You can attract wildlife with plants such as nasturtium and you can also hang bird feeders too. 

Keep it simple 
The key to a small garden is to keep the design simple and allow your plants to show themselves off. It is important for you to consider keeping a simple colour scheme and try not to overcrowd your flowerbeds with too many different plants. You can create a lovely space if you keep things simple and use 3-4 colours throughout.