A Quick & Dirty DIY Guide To Repairing Your Lawn

The chances are that right now, your lawn has never looked better. We’ve had some interesting weather in the UK over the last month or so - we’ll see some glorious sunshine, followed by days of heavy rain, and this pattern has been repeating. These make for perfect conditions for your lawn, and everywhere you look right now you will see lush, green grass and flowers. However, as we approach the summer, we can expect the rain to cede a little. And once your lawn is suffering from a lack of water, it could end up having problems. Patchiness will be an issue as some of your grass dies completely. And there is a good chance that weeds will invade, burrowing deep into the soil to protect themselves from the sun, and only showing themselves when the weather cools. It means that come autumn, your lawn may be looking a little peaky. Let’s take a closer look at some of the things you can do to set things straight - read on for our quick and dirty guide to DIY lawn repair.

Consider the facts
Before you get started on your lawn, www.telegraph.co.uk suggests that there are a few important points to remember. First of all, grass is incredibly strong - much tougher than you might imagine. In the right conditions it can easily self-repair, although don’t forget that dead grass is dead grass - it won’t come back to life. Having said this, weeds are even tougher and colonise rapidly - so will often be present long before your lawn has a chance of self-repairing. Finally, lawn repair when it is spectacularly hot or uncomfortably cold is not recommended. Simply put, your lawn is best repaired in spring or autumn, so don't waste your time trying to fix your grass problems unless it is a particularly mild summer or winter.

Consider the reasons
The reality of keeping a lush lawn is that at the end of summer and winter, it will always need some kind of repair. You might notice the same for golf courses, football pitches, and public gardens - the gardeners responsible will always be at work repairing bald patches at the beginning of spring and winter. Winter is the worst time of year for grass, mainly because there is a lack of sunlight - the days are far shorter and the reality is that any shaded grass will never see more than six or seven months of sunlight all year round. During summer, it’s moisture that is a problem. If you have any trees or large shrubs in the garden, they are much better at taking in moisture from the ground than your grass, and they tend to suck everything available up - ultimately this leaves your lawn feeling a little thirsty!

Getting started
Now let’s get to the nuts and bolts of sorting out your lawn. At the end of the summer and winter seasons, start by removing any debris or moss that has developed on your lawn. Be thorough, and once you have finished take a rake to the balding patches - the idea is to open the surface of the soil. Next, it’s time to spread some seed. As you can see from www.grassseeds.com, there is a vast array of types to choose from, so it might benefit you to head into your local garden centre and ask for some professional advice. Once you have the seed, place it in a wheelbarrow, and then scoop some of the disturbed soil from the balding areas of your lawn - mix them thoroughly. Once this has been done, you can spread the soil/seed combination back into the relevant areas. Ideally, you should be looking for good seed to soil contact - and also use more seed than seems necessary, as much of it may not grow.

Next steps
Once the seed and soil mix is in the ground, it’s worth spreading some fertiliser. Fertiliser will give your seeds the nutrients they need to start growing quickly. Then it’s a case of ensuring the seed has plenty of water. Don’t let them go dry or they will die. Let the seed start to grow, and make sure you keep the blades of grass short so that any late-bloomers have a chance to get some sun. However, you should never cut new grass right down, so go easy with the settings on your lawnmower and aim for leaving about than inch of grass after every cut. Cordless models are useful for larger gardens and getting into the corners without the hassle of the lead getting in the way, you can find a cordless lawnmower review here.

With a little luck - and some sun and regular watering - your patchy lawn will now be a thing of the past. As long as you don’t seed to early in the autumn or spring seasons, the chances are that your lawn will be in great condition and looking its best in a couple of weeks.