Pets At Home: Great Advice For In Transit Success

Pet owners hate the idea of moving because of the impact it can have on the animal. Plenty of people, and rightly so, focus on how the dog or cat will react when it arrives at its new home. Although it’s imperative to make them feel at home, they have to get to the new property first. As silly as it sounds, moving them from A to B isn’t a piece of cake. They scratch, they growl, and they flat out hate being a cage for a lengthy period. If you have to transport pets to a new property, below are four tips you may want to consider. 

Removal Service
Putting the cage in the back seat and keeping an eye on proceedings feels right. At least if anything goes wrong you’re on hand to help. Anyway, aren’t pet and house removal services a waste of money? The answer is a flat out no. For starters, house removals may agree to take a pet as long as they are comfortable. The best companies complete a survey before they say yes or no. Secondly, pet transportation firms should have all the equipment to make the journey as hassle-free as possible. Usually, expert help is worth the extra costs.

Before a journey, long or short, it’s savvy to ask a medical professional to perform a routine check-up. At first glance, the family pooch may look as if he is in perfect health, but a problem could bubble under the surface. And, there’s no way to tell until the issue raises its head or a vet gives him the once over. Even if there seems to be no need, opt to be safe rather than sorry. Book an appointment about a week or two in advance and ask the vet for any advice that may come in handy. 

Dry Run
Pets hate journeys because they are unfamiliar. How many times have you taken a cat on a two-hour car ride? On the whole, the answer will be hardly ever, so it’s no wonder felines freak out in the back of a Ford Escort. One way to ease them into the journey is to try and do a dry run before the big day. All you have to do is recreate the environment and set off on a medium drive. Watch out for any problems and try and spot when they begin to feel agitated and prickly. 

Comfort Break
Humans need them, and animals are no different. Sometimes, a dog or a cat just needs to get out of a vehicle and stretch its legs and go to the bathroom. It’s tempting to complete the journey in one stint, yet it causes problems. Instead, stop every hour or two and make sure your pet is doing okay. Give it some water, let it run around for a while, and then get back behind the wheel. You’ll benefit as much as your pet.

How do you plan on moving your pet(s) without falling into the regular traps?