When emergencies happen in your home, you need to prepare for whatever may come your way. Emergent situations can manifest in many forms, and none are fun or well-timed. That is why it is imperative for you to always have your proverbial ducks in a row so you can handle whatever comes your way. Keep reading to learn more on how to prepare your household for emergencies.
Know Your Plumber
While you should have a dedicated utility service person or company for all utilities, one of the most important ones is for the plumber. Plumbers are masters in their craft and can fix a problem once it has arisen and diagnose a concern before it grows too large to handle easily. When water issues happen in your home, they can become a concern very quickly. That is why knowing how to contact your plumber is essential in a plumbing emergency.
Learn Utility Shut-Off Locations
Everyone, whether they are adults, older kids and teens, renters, or homeowners should all know where all of the utility shut-off valves and knobs are located. This should include both the inside and outside of the home. This advice applies even if you reside in an apartment and a caretaker generally handles any concerns as they may not be immediately available in an emergency. If you do not know where these things are, contact your local utility companies, ask your landlord, and your neighbours as they may have similar set-ups in their homes.
Check the Smoke Detectors
The smoke detectors in your home are there for a very specific and important reason. They serve to keep you and your loved ones safe in the event of a fire so they need to work properly at all times. To that end, you should make an entry in your calendar to test the smoke detectors monthly and change batteries if need be.
Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors
These small devices are becoming more commonplace, but you should check to see if they are already installed in your house or flat. If they are, use the manual to determine their longevity and learn how to test them. If you do not have carbon monoxide detectors, they are relatively inexpensive and do not need to be hard-wired into your home.
Make a Plan
Emergencies can happen at any time, and it will not matter whether you are asleep, awake, or otherwise occupied. That is why you and your family or housemates need to create a few emergency plans that apply to a variety of urgent situations. Some essential plans and points to include in your are:
-Make a fire safety and evacuation plan and practice it.
-Create an emergency meeting point in your neighbourhood and city.
-Prepare for pet evacuations by making a kit and knowing where they are allowed in the event of an evacuation.
-Make a go bag for each person in the family that they can easily carry.
-Stock your home and vehicles with emergency supplies. Review them twice yearly and replace expired items.
Use these tips to begin preparing for emergencies within your home. Once you have everything ready, you, your family, and your pets will rest easier knowing you can handle whatever comes your way.