10 Ways Homemaking is Changing in the Modern World

The concept of homemaking is constantly evolving, adapting to meet the changing needs of families and individuals. And homemaking has changed significantly over the years due to several factors such as cultural shifts, technological advancements, and changes in gender roles. Homemakers have always been a vital part of society, supporting their families to go out and achieve all that they can, but the role itself has often been undervalued. However, there have been shifts and here are just ten of the ways that homemaking has evolved. 

1. Increased focus on work-life balance
Modern homemaking places greater emphasis on a healthy work-life balance and prioritizing personal needs and development. Achieving career goals is important, but so is time relaxing and with family. Creating a beautiful, comfortable and organised space at home means we can properly switch off and get a much needed break from the stress of work, meaning better balance. 

2. Technological advancements
Technology has had a significant impact on homemaking, making household tasks easier and more efficient. For example, smart home devices have become more prevalent and help automate tasks like controlling lighting, temperature, and security. Technology has become an integral part of modern homemaking, with smart home devices, virtual assistants, and online shopping, making it easier to manage the household and free up time for other activities.

3. Changing gender roles
Homemaking was once seen as a solely female role, but this has changed as more men have taken on responsibilities in the home. While homemaking and being the primary caregiver to children is still predominantly women (a study of 3,001 working adults showed that 74% of women are the main carer for children) gender roles are changing. Men are now more likely to help with caring for children and household tasks, or even become homemakers themselves compared with a decade ago.

4. Environmental awareness
There is a growing trend towards eco-friendly and sustainable practices in homemaking. We're all more educated about what it means to care for the planet and this has lead to a shift in the types of products we buy and the techniques we use to maintain the home. From home composting and recycling to reducing waste and using non-toxic cleaning products. 

5. Diversification of family structures
The traditional nuclear family structure has changed, with a growing number of single-parent households and same-sex families, leading to a greater diversity of homemaking styles and approaches. Families now have less children than they once did, which has lead to subtle but significant changes in the things we do and the way we run our houses.

6. Greater flexibility in career and home responsibilities
With more women entering the workforce, there has been a shift in homemaking, with a greater need for flexibility in career and home responsibilities. Some families simply can't afford to have one parent home as a homemaker, and many have two working parents and need to use childcare or third party companies such as cleaners to help maintain the home. 

7. Increased use of online resources
The internet has provided a wealth of information and resources for homemakers, including recipes, cleaning tips, and home organization strategies. This has made it easier to access information and resources to help streamline household tasks.

8. Emphasis on self-care
Homemaking is increasingly seen as a form of self-care, and people are investing more time and energy into creating comfortable and functional living spaces. People are recognising that it's not simply a means to an end, but an enjoyable way to look after yourself and your family.

9. Increased focus on mental health
There is a growing awareness of the impact of homemaking on mental health and well-being, leading to a greater emphasis on stress management techniques and finding ways to maintain a positive outlook.

10. Romanticisation of homemaking
While it's still unfortunately undervalued, there have been positive shifts and changes which romanticise homemaking. Creators on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram sharing cleaning tips or homemaking aesthetics such as Cottagecore has lead to changing attitudes and more people wanting to get on board with a homemaking lifestyle.