If you've experienced any kind of tooth loss, chances are it's a concerning time. Not only can this affect your self esteem, but you might be wondering what this means for the rest of your teeth. Without the support of neighbouring teeth, others can start to become loose and cause a whole host of issues in your mouth which is nothing short of a nightmare experience. Whether you've lost a tooth to decay, an injury or something else, thankfully there are ways this can be treated. Dental implants can be utilised and fitted by many dentists across the UK, so chances are you have an experienced local dentist. For example, if you live in the south of England, just search dental implants in Hertfordshire. With the right treatment plan in place you'll save yourself money and the emotional turmoil that can come with these kinds of dental issues in the long run.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are titanium screws that are inserted into the jawbone and are designed to support the false teeth. Once the tooth falls out the dental implant replaces the tooth root and gets inserted into the jawbone, directly in the place of the root. Dental implants can be a lengthy procedure and therefore it is essential that patients choose their dentist carefully to ensure that the dental implant is performed expertly and correctly.
How are dental implants fitted?
Patients are required to make appointments in advance for their dental implant procedure. This is due to the fact that it is a two staged process. At the first appointment the dentist will perform a thorough examination of the patient's mouth and check that they qualify and are eligible for dental implants. Whether or not a patient is eligible for implants depends on the health of the rest of the teeth and the jawbone. Often people with poor oral hygiene and other gum and mouth related issues will not be able to have dental implants, as this may cause more damage and harm than good. Once the examination has been performed and the dentist is satisfied that the patient can have dental implants fitted the procedure will begin. A titanium screw is drilled into the jawbone to replace the missing tooth root. As this can be an uncomfortable procedure the dentist will provide the patient with painkillers and anaesthetic in order to ensure that the process is as pain free and comfortable as possible.
How long is the healing time?
Once the screw has been inserted into the jawbone the dentist will inform the patient that their next appointment will be in 6 to 8 weeks’ time. The reason for this is to ensure that the dental implant has enough time to fuse with the jawbone and essentially become a natural part of the mouth. Once that has happened the patient will be required to attend the second appointment where the replacement tooth, crown or denture, will be fitted onto the dental implant. The dentist will ensure a seamless finish and will ensure that the patient is satisfied with the end result.