As homeowners, we all want to be proud of our gardens. After all, this is the space where we've honed our gardening skills, admires the fruits of our labour and felt close to the mother nature. With the winters approaching, there is no reason why your garden should lose its charm and colour. If you keep it well-groomed and take some easy prep steps, you can be sure of enjoying a vibrant landscape right through to spring. It is time to add some zing to your garden so that it keeps looking fresh and colourful all through the winter. Here are five upgrades that are well worth doing.
Maintain the lawn
It can take a lot of effort and ongoing maintenance to get that picture-perfect lawn. Look out for weeds, pests, fungal diseases and keep track of what needs to be done. Topsoil and mulch need to get restored for the new garden projects this fall. This is a great way to have a lush green lawn in your garden that looks inviting. You need to apply a fertiliser which promotes root growth, this is different to what you apply in spring for leaf growth. You don't want your lawn to produce a lot of green growth right now, as it can become frost bitten and die off.
Go for evergreens and winter flowering plants
The garden looks vibrant because of the stunning colours from plants and flowers. With the winter fast approaching, go for winter blooming flowers that can light up the garden when everything else has died back. Put evergreens in your planting scheme, and choose shrubs with pretty foliage- such as purples and reds that last right the way through to spring. Dwarf evergreens work best as foundation plants, and one can find them in many forms, colors, and sizes. The mini shrubs look perfect near front entries or under windows. Some good options are Pixie Dust and Super dwarf evergreens. Bobo and various forms of Thuja look good all year. If you need some extra cash to handle your garden expenses, just click here to learn how you can get some easy and quick cash.
Add a coat of paint
Those summer-weary pots and faded hanging baskets will really be bringing down the look of your garden. You can always apply a coat of spray paint designed for outdoor use to upgrade the look of containers after you've replaced the foliage. You can also give the garden a new look by repainting the fences. Just be sure to choose a dry day! Lots of paint companies offer a sprayer version which can make the job much quicker and easier.
Watch out for the insects
Some of those bugs and insects out there can be harmful, but others are a useful addition to your garden. Not all of those creepy crawlies or wrigglers out there are here to harm your garden or the flowers. Some of these bugs can help beautify the landscape as they serve as soil aerators and plant pollinators. So, attract the right kind of bugs and insects for your garden. Use natural pesticides, and make sure you're only tackling the ones that will eat your plants such as slugs. They're plentiful at this time of year as they love the wet weather!
Put your tools away
Over the summer, it didn't matter too much if shears or other garden equipment got left outside now and again. But now with all of the rain and frost, it's a quick way to damage your garden tools. Gather them all up, and keep them dry in the shed until you need them again.