As a society it's clear that we consume too much, and produce too much waste. This is evident in the sheer amount that we send to landfills on a weekly basis; every year, hundreds of thousands of tonnes of rubbish is deposited and left to create an eyesore on the landscape. Not only does this destroy the natural beauty of our land, but it damages land, harms wildlife, and can produce all sorts of awful emissions as it slowly decomposes. It’s time to take action and be more mindful about what we buy for our homes and how we dispose of that which we no longer need.
Cut Back on Plastic
Plastic can stick around for over five hundred years, it doesn't break down readily and therefore there are billions of tonnes of plastic waste across the globe. In fact, an 'island' made up of washed up waste plastic in the ocean still exists. This includes things like natural goods packed in plastic wrap for the sake of convenience. Fruit and vegetables come in their own natural packaging and can simply be washed before eating to remove any dirt or residue. However, more and more companies are offering these goods in plastic packaging or preparing them (chopping or slicing them so that they are ready to use) meaning that they then have to be wrapped to preserve their freshness. Avoid these at all costs, take the little extra time and make the little extra effort to prepare the goods yourself. No matter what you’re buying, you should source it from a company that takes active steps to help the environment. Instead of using plastic carrier bags, purchase some reusable totes and take these shopping with you. Buy refillable pens and razors instead of disposables, and paper straws instead of plastic. All of these things add up.
Favour Environmentally Friendly Packaged Products
Take Fuelbox as an example. We already know that fossil fuels are bad for the environment, but considering right now they are still necessary for most of us, we are still need to buy them. But why add to the damage by purchasing them in packaging that proves even more detrimental to the planet? Fuel box, as a company, reduce packaging waste in landfills by up to 86% and reduces plastic consumption by up to 90% compared to the standard rigid 20-liter packaging offered by its competitors. Their packaging is instilled with an anti-glug system to reduce spillage and wastage, has a lower cetane rating, cleaner combustion, and prevents microbiological growth. It also has improved storage stability, reduces deposit and varnish build-up, and slowly disperses existing sludge. If a fuel company can take steps to reduce the negative effects that they have on the environment, any company can. So, keep an eye out for environmentally packaged products, no matter what the contents. After all, a little positive change is always better than nothing.
Try Out Minimal Living
The key to producing less waste is to purchase fewer goods that we are likely to throw in the bin. This means minimal living: a lifestyle choice where you consciously reduce the number of products that you buy for your home. Work on only purchasing items that you genuinely want and need, instead of going on unplanned shopping sprees always work to a list. Having a list for a few weeks before making a purchase gives you chance to mull it over, and decide if you really do want it or not. Where possible, buy second hand, reuse and upcycle. That way you're giving items that may have been thrown away a new lease of life, you're not adding to consumer demand that means more factories are being produced (which burn through fossil fuels) to churn out items. Not only does this reduce your waste production, but minimalism an extremely desirable aesthetic. Your home will be clear and tidy at all times. Perfect!